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Friday, December 11, 2009

The Revolving Door In Network Marketing

Does the Revolving door stop?
 Ever notice how there is so much information  on network marketing team training or how to get network marketing leads etc.. Rarely do you hear about the actual opportunity.  New reps are often excited about their opportunity because they are focused on all the money they can potentially make. Smart marketers focus on how “they” can lead a person to the promise land. 

Rarely does a person sit back and really consider why is it they are doing what they are doing. Most folks network marketing businesses look like a revolving door.
The first hurdle to over come is being able to bring 1 person into your business. Yes I know it sounds easy enough but it would scare you to find out how many people have a hard time even doing that. Mostly people join a opportunity and a month later give up. They somehow think the grass is greener on the other side. Sadly that is not the case.  These same people who move from biz op to biz op eventually give up and go back to their day jobs…

Become A Good Student
To build a good network marketing team, learn all you can about internet marketing. Teach people how to get what they want. Ever hear the saying there is more than one way to skin a cat? Instead of convincing someone to join your business show them how to better theirs… There is so much more to network marketing than just building your “primary business”.  You will find the more people you help, the more people will want to work with you.

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