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Friday, August 31, 2007

Building Your Residual Victory Business

Three keys to success


1. Why
What makes "why" so important to your success.

When you have setbacks on the road to success and you will. Look to your "why" and remember the reason you have to succeed. This can't be a want. This has to be something you need because a want is not strong enough. Example: I have a wife who is disabled and I should stay at home, but I need an income. Which will come first? Make your "why" a need, and when you succeed you will get what you want.

My why: I need an online income, so that I can spend more time with my wife... plus my knees need some rest from being an ex-Miner and window cleaner. I need an income for early retirement and travel and so I won't end up in a wheelchair from knees that are no good.

2. Commitment

What you are willing to do to succeed? Take a look at your resources. This can be Time, Talent, or Money. How much of your resources are you going to commit to your success? This is a secondary income for most people, so keep that in mind as you look at your resources.

Time is something that you will have to commit to your success. How much time is up to you, there is no magic number. What is important is that you be consistent. Set a comfortable amount of your time and stick with it on a daily basis.

Do you have a talent that your Residual Victory business can benefit from web design, marketing experience, computer skills or any other skill.

Do not drain your family budget to put money in to your business.

If you have extra money available to use for a business venture then use it wisely. What I consider wise use of extra money for your Residual Victory business, GDI, Response Magic Autoresponder, the advertising co-op when available. Total out of pocket $50.00 (although you can do it for less) but only if you have extra money that will not effect your family or personal finances.

My commitment: I'm committed to helping my friends and partners succeed in their Residual Victory Business

Time: 2 hours a day..5 days a week

Talent: I don't really have any for this business but I am learning and what I learn I will pass along for your benefit

Money: I will pay for GDI, Auto Responder ($25) out of pocket until the money comes in and then I will make further upgrades with Traffic Oasis and Success University

3. Opportunity

Opportunity may be the most elusive of the 3 keys to success. Because you possess your why (need) and You and only you can commit your available resources.

The opportunity is something you have to find. It is the proverbial needle in a hay stack. On the internet you will be bombarded with literally thousands upon thousands of business opportunity advertisements, 99% of which are designed to empty your pockets. The other 1% is what your looking for and once you have found those, the search is not over. You need to find and focuse on the one that you believe in. The one that will make your "why" a reality. The one that you are willing to "commit" your available resources to. Because when you know that your needs will be met, you will commit all of your available resources, and you will not give up no matter what. You will succeed.

My opportunity: Residual Victory (Click Here)

Warmest regards - Kevin

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Let's Get to Know One Another

I want to take this opportunity for you to get to know me and my family.
The family is one the most precious relationships and privileges one will have in life. Here is a pic of me, my wife Janet, our daughter Michelle and our son Mark. We are in the little village of Positano in Italy. It's on the Amalfi coast just south of Naples.
I set out in network marketing and working online in order to spend more time with those that I love. I spent the first two years building traffic via the traffic exchanges and using a downline builder called Yorgoo. What I like most about them is the community spirit which makes them all helpful. There is a daily training session and 24/7 support to answer all your questions. I also aim to send a weekly newsletter with tips and motivational material. It's free to join and you would be most welcome.
As for my main business I chose SFI . It's been around a long time and proven to be a successful business for thousands of people - why not me and you? There's great training and continued support to get you up and running as sopon as possible.
I am always here to help and look forward to working with you
Warmest regards - Kevin