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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Let's Get to Know One Another

I want to take this opportunity for you to get to know me and my family.
The family is one the most precious relationships and privileges one will have in life. Here is a pic of me, my wife Janet, our daughter Michelle and our son Mark. We are in the little village of Positano in Italy. It's on the Amalfi coast just south of Naples.
I set out in network marketing and working online in order to spend more time with those that I love. I spent the first two years building traffic via the traffic exchanges and using a downline builder called Yorgoo. What I like most about them is the community spirit which makes them all helpful. There is a daily training session and 24/7 support to answer all your questions. I also aim to send a weekly newsletter with tips and motivational material. It's free to join and you would be most welcome.
As for my main business I chose SFI . It's been around a long time and proven to be a successful business for thousands of people - why not me and you? There's great training and continued support to get you up and running as sopon as possible.
I am always here to help and look forward to working with you
Warmest regards - Kevin

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