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Friday, August 31, 2007

Building Your Residual Victory Business

Three keys to success


1. Why
What makes "why" so important to your success.

When you have setbacks on the road to success and you will. Look to your "why" and remember the reason you have to succeed. This can't be a want. This has to be something you need because a want is not strong enough. Example: I have a wife who is disabled and I should stay at home, but I need an income. Which will come first? Make your "why" a need, and when you succeed you will get what you want.

My why: I need an online income, so that I can spend more time with my wife... plus my knees need some rest from being an ex-Miner and window cleaner. I need an income for early retirement and travel and so I won't end up in a wheelchair from knees that are no good.

2. Commitment

What you are willing to do to succeed? Take a look at your resources. This can be Time, Talent, or Money. How much of your resources are you going to commit to your success? This is a secondary income for most people, so keep that in mind as you look at your resources.

Time is something that you will have to commit to your success. How much time is up to you, there is no magic number. What is important is that you be consistent. Set a comfortable amount of your time and stick with it on a daily basis.

Do you have a talent that your Residual Victory business can benefit from web design, marketing experience, computer skills or any other skill.

Do not drain your family budget to put money in to your business.

If you have extra money available to use for a business venture then use it wisely. What I consider wise use of extra money for your Residual Victory business, GDI, Response Magic Autoresponder, the advertising co-op when available. Total out of pocket $50.00 (although you can do it for less) but only if you have extra money that will not effect your family or personal finances.

My commitment: I'm committed to helping my friends and partners succeed in their Residual Victory Business

Time: 2 hours a day..5 days a week

Talent: I don't really have any for this business but I am learning and what I learn I will pass along for your benefit

Money: I will pay for GDI, Auto Responder ($25) out of pocket until the money comes in and then I will make further upgrades with Traffic Oasis and Success University

3. Opportunity

Opportunity may be the most elusive of the 3 keys to success. Because you possess your why (need) and You and only you can commit your available resources.

The opportunity is something you have to find. It is the proverbial needle in a hay stack. On the internet you will be bombarded with literally thousands upon thousands of business opportunity advertisements, 99% of which are designed to empty your pockets. The other 1% is what your looking for and once you have found those, the search is not over. You need to find and focuse on the one that you believe in. The one that will make your "why" a reality. The one that you are willing to "commit" your available resources to. Because when you know that your needs will be met, you will commit all of your available resources, and you will not give up no matter what. You will succeed.

My opportunity: Residual Victory (Click Here)

Warmest regards - Kevin

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Let's Get to Know One Another

I want to take this opportunity for you to get to know me and my family.
The family is one the most precious relationships and privileges one will have in life. Here is a pic of me, my wife Janet, our daughter Michelle and our son Mark. We are in the little village of Positano in Italy. It's on the Amalfi coast just south of Naples.
I set out in network marketing and working online in order to spend more time with those that I love. I spent the first two years building traffic via the traffic exchanges and using a downline builder called Yorgoo. What I like most about them is the community spirit which makes them all helpful. There is a daily training session and 24/7 support to answer all your questions. I also aim to send a weekly newsletter with tips and motivational material. It's free to join and you would be most welcome.
As for my main business I chose SFI . It's been around a long time and proven to be a successful business for thousands of people - why not me and you? There's great training and continued support to get you up and running as sopon as possible.
I am always here to help and look forward to working with you
Warmest regards - Kevin

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hi, this is Kevin your Team Leader at Yorgoo------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To make Yorgoo work for you it is crucial you click on the traffic1 and traffic2 links in your back office and either join the traffic exchanges or put in your existing id's.
There are other free business opportunities listed in your back office such as Agloco and Dubli.
There is also a link for any existing online businesses you are already affilated to.
Then, look under "refer and promote" in the left hand menu and choose your referral page and get it out there amongst the traffic exchanges
Personally I use the main one:http://www.yorgoo.com/?22008 - this bring me in onaverage 1 signup per day.
I use Ambrowser to surf the exchanges. You can download it from http://www.ambrower.com/. With the Ambrowser you can load 8 tabs ( you do not need any more than 8)and in the bottom right hand of the browser are a setof links for different page styles. I use the one where I can see 8 TE pages on one browser page. That way I can click away and get around 800 clicks in half an hour.
Also, use the training that Yorgo provides. Login tohttp://www.yorgotalk.com/ and you can either ask question from the 24/7 support or the nightly training at 9 pm GMT. You can't lose.
Plus. I am always here to help. Login to your back office and click on email upline link or send an email to kevin.stones@pgen.net. I also use the IM's. Yahoo is good and my id is kevin_uk56.
There's no reason to fail. There's too much help - if you would only use it
Warmest regards - Kevin

Hope you enjoyed this blog - you are welcome to contact me anytime

Monday, May 21, 2007

Newsletter and Digest May 2007

Welcome to all new memebers in my team at Yorgoo, Pageswirl andFreeclickthruclub

Time for another lesson on getting your website seen by lots of people.
Before we go into the program set ups, I need to explain a very popular tool that is used by many folks.

That being Traffic Exchanges.
At first I thought the idea of sitting in front of a computer clicking for credits was a dumb idea.
BUT.. alot of folks do it so I sat down and tried to figure out the best way to make use of these Traffic Exchanges. I came up with something that works. Took a lot of work to make websites with tracking links so I could really tell if I was getting sign ups from these exchanges.
I was pretty surprised at what I found out.

Number one was, not all exchanges work the way they claim.

Number two was, some of them do work..LOL

If you don't know what Traffic Exchanges do, here is a brief overview.

Lots and lots of people sign up at these sites so they can get other people to look at their website.But, in order to get folks to see your website, you have to get credits by looking at other peoples websites.That is called surfing for credits.
You sit in front of your computer and view other sites for 20 seconds each. Then you click a link and you get a credit and you are on to the next website.The credits you build up are really website views of your own site by other folks. One credit, one view.

Free members usually get 1/2 to 1/3 of a credit for every site they view for 20 seconds. Paid members get a one for one credit when surfing. Usually for less time like 10 or 15 seconds.

Ok, here is what I came up with. First off I didn't want to spend hours surfing these sites for credits. Second thing was, I did want others to see my website. You still with me..?

When you join a T E (Traffic Exchange), they should give you a number of credits just for jo-ining. Even if you are a free member. They also should give you credits for getting others to sign up with your referral link. These are two ways to get credits without surfing.

My third way to get credits without surfing is to be a paid member. I spend 5 to 10 bucks a month on several TE's that I know get me sign ups. That keeps my credit numbers in the thousands every month at each exchange without me having to surf.

Add these up and you end up with alot of credits or website views.
Credits for signing up.Credits for referring others.Credit for being a paid member.

Now, when you first sign up at a TE, you will need to surf 25 or so sites to get your account activated. That should be it. Make sure your pop up blocker is on.. LOL

Using our system and including this letter in your lessons, you should be able to get people to sign up with you at these TE's. Credits for you.This stuff is free. Everyone tries free things.
The top traffic exchanges are listed at Traffic Hoopla which is a traffic exchange downline builderJoin here: it's free CLICK HERE

Also, there's a excellent downline builder with Pageswirl Join here: it's free CLICK HERE
Pageswirl is crucial because it has a professional rotatorAs a free member you can insert 5 url's into the rotator thenyou assign your Pageswirl rotator url to the traffic exchange. Then if you wish to change any sites you want viewd you go to Pageswirl and change it rather than every traffic exchgange you have subscribed to.

Although I do surf to see what's new and what others are doing.
One other thing about these exchanges. When you become a pa-id member the timer goes from 20 seconds down to as much as 10 seconds.You also get a 1 to 1 credit for surfing.
Also, when you set up your link to be viewed, don't just set up one. Set up as many as you can. I set up the same link three to five times. Just gets you into the rotation that much more.
Hope this has helped you understand Traffic Exchanges.They do work, specially with our homemade websites.
Warmest Regards - Kevin - Wednesdayite
Hope you enjoyed this blog - you are welcome to contact me anytime

Monday, January 1, 2007

Kev's Expert Waffle and Tripe

Hello! I'm Kevin Stones - Wednesdayite to my friends.

My wife Janet and I are a part of an incredible group of professional Network Marketers called "Follow Our Lead". You are free to join this group at no cost now or later.

We've been through it all and seen it all. The combined experience along with a true team atmosphere sets us apart. No hype, no pushing a certain business or any of the other typical stuff. We hold several open training meetings during the week that are flexible for those in other countries. Both the meetings and our forum share the ins-and-outs of how to successfully build for the future long-term. Thewealth of knowledge you can gain could make thedifference in building your business. Whether you arealready in a business, looking for one, or wonderingwhat it takes to really make it, our group can help.If you're serious about building your business, please email me for more details. I'd love to introduce you to the group!

Just send me an email

Just send me an email and I will send you the detailsof the team I am with - I don't send ads, just thehand of friendship and help
Warm regards - Kevin