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Monday, December 26, 2005

Time to Introduce Myself


This is Kevin Stones aka "wednesdayite" from the rough end of Sheffield in Blighty (England). I am 50 this coming year (2006), but please keep it quiet. Strange enough, I still feel 18 inside, it's just the outside that's falling to bits and getting bigger!
My wife, Janet was born in the Gorbels in the east end of Glasow, Scotland and raised in Liverpool when she moved there as a little girl. She talks like a Scouser too.
We have 2 grown up kids. A daughter Michell who lives in London and a son, Mark who still lives at home. His idea of a sandwich is a horse between 2 mattresses.
I love proper footy (English style), beer and travelling.
I have been online since July 2004 and it's took me all this time to work things out although I have had a good teacher in Steve Price from good ol' USA (My American cousin (not blood related)). I am going to frighten him one day by visiting the States. The beer's are on him.


BP said...

Hey Kev,
I am Brian from South Carolina, US. I hope that you and your family had a Merry Christmas.

God Bless.

Kevin Stones aka Wednesdayite said...

This is Kev again. Just trying out my new blog to see how the various buttons work.
Just started snowing here today
Love to you all

Anonymous said...

Nice to see another Brit blogging! Welcome aboard Kev, and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Alita Pereira said...

Welcome to the blogging world Kev, Merry Christmas to you and your family.