Marketing is finding people who already want and are looking for what you have to offer. The ‘sale’ is much easier if what you have is what they want. There are a number of techniques used in marketing that we think should raise a red flag every time you come across one. Be cautious when you are surfing and viewing sites. The following techniques work and work especially well with those of us uneducated in the ploys of marketing.
There are six methods we find to be the most obnoxious and could be called our biggest pet peeves. This email will only touch on the six now and in a later email I will develop each one in more detail. Once you identify these six methods you will begin to see them used all over the internet and everywhere else for that matter. The more of the six used in one ad or web site the more likely the ‘product’ is a waste of your money and especially your time.
1. Branding is more than the logo or the name. It is over time a reputation earned. Great reputations can be lost with one bad act or mistake. Some ‘brands’ make it an art form walking the line between great material and a con job. You have seen the “TOP SECRET” promotions by “Guru” names promoting ‘must have’ information that without it you will continue to fail. Somehow the pages of marketing copy never say what ‘it’ is.
2. You have no doubt already met the friend of the hard sell. The fear of loss is an old technique now seen just after you take the bait and is most often used with programs you have no idea how it will work or perform. It is the One Time Offer or OTO that when you say no they have another one and often one more too good to be true after that and every time saying it will never be available again. If you pay attention you will discover the OTO will reappear sooner or later with the same dire warnings. If what was being sold was really worth it you would never see it as an OTO.
3. The one technique that makes the least amount of sense is ‘you don’t have to do anything’ to make money except fork over a paycheck or some portion every month and they will do the rest. What do they need you for if there is so much money why don’t they just ignore you and take the opportunity for themselves?
4. Guarantees have their place. You will begin to notice that the previous ‘do-nothing’ opportunity usually has a great guarantee. Most of you know that the extended warranty is a money maker for the store and the salesman. The longer the guarantee the less likely it is implemented. Companies offer guarantees to secure your trust and when most are either forgotten or lost the vast majority did their job. They moved you to the cashier to spend your money.
5. The “Rag to Riches” stories of down to their last tube of ketchup and in the shortest time possible they are a millionaire are laughable! The got rich quick guys we know all spent years of preparation before they got rich quick. Just because it’s too good to be true does not make it false. It does raise a red flag.
6. After seeing a fantastic movie your testimonial the next day to everyone you know sells some tickets. They didn’t send you a commission either. All too often, especially on web sites, you will see the same names and pictures supporting with their testimonial what a fabulous opportunity this is. Tie this in with number one above and you will begin to notice a new trend in joint ventures where “Gurus” of all stripes promote and testify about each other’s great product. Again this may not be wrong and if you have bought a book lately the jacket cover is full of testimonials by other authors of similar material. Red Flag it and the more red flags a site has the less likely it could possibly live up to its copy banter.
There is nothing illegal about these six red flags and depending on the context they may only be a bright yellow caution flag instead. In a later email I will share six flags we strive for. There are flags that like the checkered flag waved at the race winner or battle flags that are a sign of a group to be reckoned with and there are flags that we stand and salute. There are at least six such flags in network marketing.
That's why I am with Global NPN. A global opportunity with a steady and safe company. Why not join me?
Regards .... Kevin
I originally come from the rough end of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. I have a Gran who is 4 foot tall and looks like Yoda from Star Wars. I would give her a kiss but she won't get a shave. My wife was born in the Gorbels in Glasgow, Scotland and raised in Liverpool. I have been working as a part time Network Marketer with the objective of helping others to make an income from home. I will help you too Warm regards - Kevin
Want to work from home? Free report shows you how
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Increase Your Surfing Efficiency by 40%
This software really has improved my surfing efficiency substantially. Easy to download, easy to use and very effective. Quick Tab change is a must have addition to every Traffic exchange user’s arsenal.
I highly recommend this and sincerely suggest that you pay close attention to the one time offer that could really help your business.
Quick Tab change has become a recommended product from me.
Hope you find this helpful ....... Regards from Kevin
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Number One Tool for NPN Success
Today I found a great article from my friend Dennis Koray...Here goes:
I want to share with you what I believe is the number one
tool that you have in your arsenal to becoming a long term success
in Global NPN/network marketing.
But before I do that I'd like to ask you,
"What do YOU think your best and most effective tool is for
growing your MLM business?"
Is it your company's audio program, DVD or online video presentation?
Is it your company magazine, brochure or sizzle cards?
Could it be your company's or your team's replicated website
recruiting system?
Perhaps it's your team or company's online training system where
you can get your new distributors up to speed.
All of these are fantastic tools and there's probably a lot more
tools that I didn't mention and each one is important.
But if you're like most MLM companies...
...even with all these great tools to find, recruit, and train
distributors, I'll bet you still experience a very high attrition rate.
Why is that?
Why is it that even with the most advanced technology and even
the greatest programs aren't enough to keep people in the game?
I'll share with you my opinion and observations.
Usually the reason that people quit, is because they simply
don't have a good enough reason for continuing on.
You see, this business can get difficult at times and the normal,
everyday person isn't equipped to handle the ups and downs that
you experience in MLM.
But I'm a firm believer that most everyone can do just about
anything if they have a big enough reason for doing it.
Victor Frankl was a psychologist and also a jewish prisoner
in a German concentration camp during World War 2.
He watched many people give up and die and he also witnessed
many people stay the course and survive.
From his observations, he wrote a book titled,
"Man's Search for Meaning."
In it he concluded that the common thread for those people
who survived was that they had a powerful reason for staying alive.
He said, "He who has a 'why' can bear with almost any how."
By that statement he meant that if you have a reason for doing
something that is deeply motivating and inspiring, that there's
almost nothing that can stop you from doing that thing.
That's why I've found that the people that stay the course
and go the distance, no matter what obstacle is in their way,
are those people who have an extremely powerful reason for
doing the business.
So let me ask you, what is YOUR reason for doing this business?
Do you have a reason that is so motivating that no matter how
much ridicule or rejection you face, no matter what mistakes
your company makes, no matter what your upline or downline does,
no matter how many people quit on you, you still hang
tough and stick with it?
If you don't, I predict that eventually you'll quit this business or
you already have.
Let me share a little secret with you. There have been many
times where I've wanted to quit this business. Yes, it's true.
Even leaders in your company want to quit sometimes.
But every time my thoughts go there, I think of why I'm doing this
business. I think of my precious daughter and my little boy
and my amazing wife. I think of their security.
I won't go into details, but I have an illness that will require
a major surgery in the next few years. Every surgery is a risk.
You just never know what can happen on the operating table.
If something happens to me, I want my family to be well taken
care of. That my reason. That's my "why."
So what I've done is I've taken a little 3x5 card, printed
a photo of my family on it and written what I call my
"Why Statement" on the card. I carry it with me everywhere I go.
When I feel depressed or down, I take out that card and
look at it and it reminds me why I'm doing this business
and why I need to make that next phone call or invite that
next person to view my company's presentation.
It gives me strength and helps me to rededicate myself.
So my "Why Card" has been the key to me staying in the game.
I suggest that you find out what it is that motivates you.
Do this. Write down 20 reasons why you're doing this business.
Narrow it down to the single most powerful reason and focus
on that. Make that your "Why Statement."
And once you have yours, immediately help your team members
to create their "why statement" so that they have the staying
power they need to be successful.
Help every new person that you bring into the business to create
their own "why statement" and "why card." It should be one of
the first things that you do.
This will become the most powerful tool in your entire MLM arsenal.
Join me at Global NPN ..... Click Here
I want to share with you what I believe is the number one
tool that you have in your arsenal to becoming a long term success
in Global NPN/network marketing.
But before I do that I'd like to ask you,
"What do YOU think your best and most effective tool is for
growing your MLM business?"
Is it your company's audio program, DVD or online video presentation?
Is it your company magazine, brochure or sizzle cards?
Could it be your company's or your team's replicated website
recruiting system?
Perhaps it's your team or company's online training system where
you can get your new distributors up to speed.
All of these are fantastic tools and there's probably a lot more
tools that I didn't mention and each one is important.
But if you're like most MLM companies...
...even with all these great tools to find, recruit, and train
distributors, I'll bet you still experience a very high attrition rate.
Why is that?
Why is it that even with the most advanced technology and even
the greatest programs aren't enough to keep people in the game?
I'll share with you my opinion and observations.
Usually the reason that people quit, is because they simply
don't have a good enough reason for continuing on.
You see, this business can get difficult at times and the normal,
everyday person isn't equipped to handle the ups and downs that
you experience in MLM.
But I'm a firm believer that most everyone can do just about
anything if they have a big enough reason for doing it.
Victor Frankl was a psychologist and also a jewish prisoner
in a German concentration camp during World War 2.
He watched many people give up and die and he also witnessed
many people stay the course and survive.
From his observations, he wrote a book titled,
"Man's Search for Meaning."
In it he concluded that the common thread for those people
who survived was that they had a powerful reason for staying alive.
He said, "He who has a 'why' can bear with almost any how."
By that statement he meant that if you have a reason for doing
something that is deeply motivating and inspiring, that there's
almost nothing that can stop you from doing that thing.
That's why I've found that the people that stay the course
and go the distance, no matter what obstacle is in their way,
are those people who have an extremely powerful reason for
doing the business.
So let me ask you, what is YOUR reason for doing this business?
Do you have a reason that is so motivating that no matter how
much ridicule or rejection you face, no matter what mistakes
your company makes, no matter what your upline or downline does,
no matter how many people quit on you, you still hang
tough and stick with it?
If you don't, I predict that eventually you'll quit this business or
you already have.
Let me share a little secret with you. There have been many
times where I've wanted to quit this business. Yes, it's true.
Even leaders in your company want to quit sometimes.
But every time my thoughts go there, I think of why I'm doing this
business. I think of my precious daughter and my little boy
and my amazing wife. I think of their security.
I won't go into details, but I have an illness that will require
a major surgery in the next few years. Every surgery is a risk.
You just never know what can happen on the operating table.
If something happens to me, I want my family to be well taken
care of. That my reason. That's my "why."
So what I've done is I've taken a little 3x5 card, printed
a photo of my family on it and written what I call my
"Why Statement" on the card. I carry it with me everywhere I go.
When I feel depressed or down, I take out that card and
look at it and it reminds me why I'm doing this business
and why I need to make that next phone call or invite that
next person to view my company's presentation.
It gives me strength and helps me to rededicate myself.
So my "Why Card" has been the key to me staying in the game.
I suggest that you find out what it is that motivates you.
Do this. Write down 20 reasons why you're doing this business.
Narrow it down to the single most powerful reason and focus
on that. Make that your "Why Statement."
And once you have yours, immediately help your team members
to create their "why statement" so that they have the staying
power they need to be successful.
Help every new person that you bring into the business to create
their own "why statement" and "why card." It should be one of
the first things that you do.
This will become the most powerful tool in your entire MLM arsenal.
Join me at Global NPN ..... Click Here
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Blog Update - First for 2010
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success."
-Napoleon Hill
Good morning or Good Evening, Depending on where in the world you are.
Today I am going to talk about creating trust with your
In order to establish credibility and trust with your prospects
you should focus on:
1.Following up with your prospects right away through email and
2. Broadcast regularly (send a email) - You may be thinking what do I say or do.
Talk about you and why you are in this industry. One of the easiest things to do believe it
or not is get your webcam (I've just bought one) and just talk about what you have achieved for the day.
Maybe you just figured out how to get leads, share that with your list.
You can even just do a simple 1 or 2 min video just to let your prospects know you
found something really special they need to check out. Sometimes you may read a
good blog post somewhere or someone else has video that you liked , send them
that information. Don't always think about how you are going to profit from it!
You should be thinking how are the members of your list going to benefit from that
knowledge. Believe me if you are the person that points them in the right direction
they will remember YOU.
3. Establishing credibility takes time, it is normal to have someone on your list for
months and than one day out of the blue they decide to buy something off of you or
join your business. People love to buy => they don't like being sold. People do love
to buy on their own terms.
4. Always respond back! - If you see a prospect trying to get in contact with you and
you have their phone # Call them! They are looking for you OR the first person that contacts them.
5. Start your own blog and whenever you write in your blog share that
link with your list via rss feed or broadcast. I recommend having lots
of pictures of you and your life on your blog. Write about whats on your
mind. A good way to monitize blogs besides affiliate links is through
ad networks, such as Adsense.
All of this might seem difficult at first but it does get
easier as time goes on.
I am always here to help and assist ...... Kevin the Wednesdayite
The Best Hit Exchanges in the World!
-Napoleon Hill
Good morning or Good Evening, Depending on where in the world you are.
Today I am going to talk about creating trust with your
In order to establish credibility and trust with your prospects
you should focus on:
1.Following up with your prospects right away through email and
2. Broadcast regularly (send a email) - You may be thinking what do I say or do.
Talk about you and why you are in this industry. One of the easiest things to do believe it
or not is get your webcam (I've just bought one) and just talk about what you have achieved for the day.
Maybe you just figured out how to get leads, share that with your list.
You can even just do a simple 1 or 2 min video just to let your prospects know you
found something really special they need to check out. Sometimes you may read a
good blog post somewhere or someone else has video that you liked , send them
that information. Don't always think about how you are going to profit from it!
You should be thinking how are the members of your list going to benefit from that
knowledge. Believe me if you are the person that points them in the right direction
they will remember YOU.
3. Establishing credibility takes time, it is normal to have someone on your list for
months and than one day out of the blue they decide to buy something off of you or
join your business. People love to buy => they don't like being sold. People do love
to buy on their own terms.
4. Always respond back! - If you see a prospect trying to get in contact with you and
you have their phone # Call them! They are looking for you OR the first person that contacts them.
5. Start your own blog and whenever you write in your blog share that
link with your list via rss feed or broadcast. I recommend having lots
of pictures of you and your life on your blog. Write about whats on your
mind. A good way to monitize blogs besides affiliate links is through
ad networks, such as Adsense.
All of this might seem difficult at first but it does get
easier as time goes on.
I am always here to help and assist ...... Kevin the Wednesdayite
The Best Hit Exchanges in the World!
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