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Friday, November 20, 2009

Make Easy Money - 5 Reason Why You Should Join Global NPN

The network marketing model really is the easiest business model to get to work online for the average Work from home or home business seeking person.

Nothing in life worth attaining is easy, everything you do will require effort. The reason I believe that the network marketing industry is the easiest to get involved with is because many times, its a matter of just plugging into a already successful marketing system. At this point your main focus is only getting traffic and following up with your prospects.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Are You Putting The Cart Before The Horse?

As the weeks, months and years go on it becomes more apparent that the real problem with getting a internet network marketing business off the ground isn’t getting traffic or leads.

The biggest problem is to get a person to stop running around in a circle.  Part of the problem isn’t your fault with today’s technology its very easy to get caught up information overload. Really its not that the information is bad information, the problem is years are condensed into one pdf file. 

Most information that is shared comes from years of experience and we naturally try to learn everything.
In order to move forward in your business you are going to need to slow down and take your time. I have seen to many people jump into one of these online businesses and are so eager to get started promoting they don’t even really know what they joined.

Don’t do that, always take the time to go through everything you just got involved with. Understand the compensation plan, know what it will take to break even and Communicate with the person who’s business you joined. ( I repeat this often, always make sure your sponsor is really going to be there to work with you.)
There are only three things you need to remember to get your business up and running.

1. Learn as many ways free and paid methods to get traffic to your lead capture page.
2. Use a lead capture system (Don’t Waste Time Trying To Re-Create The Wheel)
3. Get a blog so you can do what I am doing right now, sharing good content, branding myself and connecting with my subscribers…

The rest will fall into place. To be successful in this industry comes down to being friendly and a willingness to help others. If you can do this its just a matter of leaving your calling card… Which could be a text ad, pay per click ad, solo ad, safelist ad, signature file in a forum or your profile in a social network even your blog acts as a calling card.

The one thing that has helped me achieve success in the internet network marketing industry is my blog. I highly recommend you set one up right now and start learning how to use it.
Use Blogger.com , Its simple to use and set up. I will help you if you want

Regards .... Kevin

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why is GlobalNPN the most important program in your marketing funnel

Why is GlobalNPN the most important program in your marketing funnel
Many people ask me “why do I need NPN when I already have a business to promote?”.

The answer is fairly simple but a lot of people still don’t really get it.
Let’s assume that your main business that you want to promote is a ‘Health Drink’ business. You will probably find out pretty quickly that it’s very difficult to find quality targeted leads for your business. After all, you have a very specific business, with a very specific market. It’s not easy (or cheap) to find the right leads that will want to join you in your business. This is also the case no matter what your ‘primary’ business is.

Here’s where NPN comes in. As you know, NPN is a suite of marketing tools and training material that ‘every’ online marketer needs to succeed in generating leads for their own business. Lead generation is the most difficult part of online marketing, especially when your business has a very specific market. That’s why we need GlobalNPN at the top of our marketing funnel.

Which scenario would you rather be a part of?

Scenario #1: You’re trying to get distributors for your Health Drink business. So.. you go out and buy some advertising for your Health Drink website. You get lots of visitors to your website but only a couple people actually decide to contact you about it. Your advertising cost you $50. Which means your ad campaign cost you $25 per lead and those 2 people may not even join you in your business. How much longer can you do that before you give up?

Scenario #2: You’re trying to get distributors for your Health Drink business. BUT, this time you go out and buy some advertising for your GlobalNPN business. You get lots of visitors to your website and a TON of people opt-in to your capture page because they know they need these tools to succeed. Your advertising cost $50, but this time 35 people opted in to your capture page. Your leads only cost you around $1.50 each this time. BUT a number of them joined you in NPN and now you’re making money from that, which means your advertising for your Health Business has essentially been taken care of. Now you can focus on ‘upselling’ your NPN referrals into your Health business, which is much easier since you’ve already qualified them as good quality marketing leads.

What’s my Point: You are making money and getting free advertising from the people that would’ve said a flat out “NO” to your Health Drink business, thanks to NPN. Plus down the road you can recruit your NPN referrals into your Health Drink business, which was the point in the first place right?

Use NPN to generate leads, and qualify leads for your other businesses. You will get leads, you will make money, your advertising will essentially be free, and you will realize how important having GlobalNPN at the top of your funnel is and why it’s essential for your ultimate success.

THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE FOLKS. This is not a theory or a guess as to how it works. If you don’t ‘GET IT’ (or refuse to), you won’t make it.

Now, I know that the next question may be “… but NPN IS my primary business, what then??”. In my opinion the most attractive feature of NPN is that it has is it’s own ‘internal funnel’ system. That is exactly what the NPN Ladder System was designed to take care of. Think of the ladder upgrades as your upsells instead of the “health business” I mentioned above. It works in exactly the same way, but in this case it’s completely self-contained and self-feeding. How cool is that? GlobalNPN can be your feeder system, while at the same time it can be your big dollar earner as your primary business.

Warmest regards .... Kevin