There are multitudes of people coming online wanting to make money in the internet network marketing industry.
Simply put Internet Network Marketing is the combination of two distinct skill sets. On the plus side because of the internet we do not need to bother our friends and family. On the negative side there are many different skill sets you will have to learn to be successful.
Many people find themselves running around in a circle 6 months down the road they are wondering why they haven’t moved forward in their business. The are literally hundreds of thousands of websites online telling you how you can get rich online. This is a huge part of the problem, not because the people who are sharing their ideas are wrong but because more often than not, it causes a bad case of I.O. (Information Overload) It is best to start your online venture 1 baby step at a time.
Massive Action = Massive Results
I don’t know you personally I don’t know what level of action taking you are able to handle, but I do know this every little step you take leads 1 step closer to your end goal. I get all the same offers as many of you do flooding into my inbox. I ignore most of them because I know that whatever *method* that the *guru* is selling is great for them, but probably won’t do much for everyone else.
That is because we are human beings, there is not such a thing as one size fits all. Understanding this fact ultimately led to my biggest success yet. NO I am not talking about making millions of dollars online, I am talking about understanding that people learn at their own pace and what is common knowledge for some is hard learned for others. Because of this, I realized that in order to excel in the Network Marketing Industry. You must define yourself as a Leader, Teacher, Friend, Mentor, guide etc…
I want to help you to get started on the right foot starting now,
First – Clear your mind of all distractions and really think about what you want. Maybe you want to leave your j.o.b or maybe you want to leave a legacy for your children whatever the case may be. What is your WHY?
Second – With everything you are involved with right now ask yourself this question. Am I really getting any help at all? This is a important question to ask, because there isn’t any reason why you aren’t getting help other than you are working with the wrong people.
In the network marketing industry you will hear this repeated almost everywhere you turn. The 2 things you need the most are leads and more money. You will read that , if you join my xyz business I am going to show you how to get thousands of prospects without spending any time or any money…
My friends, it is true you can start building your business without having to spend much money or any money but the journey will be long and hard. Spend your money in the right places and you will earn on your investment 10x over…
The only way to get thousands of dollars in education without paying for it is to work with someone who has been there done that.
Join our team ...... Click Here
I originally come from the rough end of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. I have a Gran who is 4 foot tall and looks like Yoda from Star Wars. I would give her a kiss but she won't get a shave. My wife was born in the Gorbels in Glasgow, Scotland and raised in Liverpool. I have been working as a part time Network Marketer with the objective of helping others to make an income from home. I will help you too Warm regards - Kevin
Want to work from home? Free report shows you how
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Don't Sabotage Your Success
Today I want to talk to you about something it seems, many people
don't speak about.
Before you go any further with us please realize it doesn't matter
what pre-launch is coming out, it does not matter what products are
being sold.
The secret to success is not in the product, the secret of
success is in your ability to drive a huge amount of traffic
and develop a relationship with your subscribers.
I have been asked several times which product is the best product
to sell online. The products do matter but not as much as the
process of learning how to get traffic.
When it comes down to it, all you are doing is advertising
1 link.
Many times people join one business for a month or two and
think, I am not getting any results I need to find something
that is better and faster.
In theory it sounds good, but the grass is not greener on the
other side. All that you are doing is failing from one business
to the next.
The only business you should be concerned about is the business
of building YOU... Learn and master 1 stream of traffic and move
on from there.
=> Don't loose your focus and join something else stay where
you are. The #1 biggest mistake you can make is not
really giving yourself a chance to learn and grow.
=> "You need to earn the respect of people on your list before
they will join you long term in anything." If you are hopping
from biz op to biz op, you will find that not many people will want
to do business with you.
It is a numbers game, We market online so we need a high volume
of visitors every month for us to be able to prospect.
Global NPN helps you build your personal email marketing list
We are affiliate marketers, we really don't have a physical
product to sell, all we can do is recommend products.....
If you want to make money online, help someone else make money
online... => It really is as simple as that.......
Besides all we are asking you to spend is $10.75 a month. Is that
really to much money to ask for to have an opportunity to work with us?
We will give you a lead capture system/Training system
for free , just because we aren't charging you money every
month like other people doesn't mean we aren't giving you
real value...
An opportunity like the one we are presenting to you does not
come around often, don't let this one slip through your fingers.
Warmest Regards .... Kevin Stones aka "Wednesdayite"
(If you missed your free report then grab it HERE )
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